Saturday, January 24, 2009

If I am Obama ...

If I am Obama what will I do now ?

Economic crisis, Job loss, Foreclosure are the headlines in every day news.

What are the easy picks to solve this problem.

Job loss: Focus on citizens and immigrants who are in the country for a long period of time. Send the temporary workers out of the country. There are many with H1, L1, B1 visas who are in the US for less than 3 to 5 years. If you include the illegal immigrants we are looking at half a million to one million jobs that will just open up when you terminate these visas. When the visa was issued to these immigrants the situation was different. I am sure you can pick 5 people in America to replace that skill set now. My friends would hate this post. But let us be practical you need to take care of the citizens first.

Tax differently: Tax percentage and incentives should be different for citizens and others. Give more incentive to citizens.

Outside money: There are people who have deposits and assets overseas. When they are brought into the country it may increase their tax cap. Allow them tax benefits this time so that they can bring that money into the country. This will boost the economy.

Incentive to companies: Govt should give 2 to 3K per employee to companies to train an American who can replace an immigrant to perform the same job.

Govt Bond: There are some rich people who have huge amount of deposits in the bank. These deposits may earn very little interest. Bring this money back into the economy by issuing a short term bond that can be repaid in 3-5 years with higher interest rate. Use this money to fund stimulus plan.

Tax Increase & Tax cut: Increase the tax for those who earn more than $x per Annam. $x could be 200K or 500K etc. Reduce the tax for those who earn less. Bring this money back into the economy by giving it back to those who earn less so that they spend this money to survive. That will boost the economy.

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