Thursday, May 28, 2009

Winning a Raffle - Tip !!

I am sure most of you attend conferences & professional events. During those events you would have seen companies having booths to advertise their products. To attract visitors to their booth they will have raffle draw with attractive prizes. The way it normally works is that you drop your name card or staple your card to a small slip where you answer some questions.

Here is a tip to win the prize. If you just drop your card the probability of you winning the prize is 1 out of x cards thrown into the box. To increase your chance of winning what you can do is to bend or fold your card little bit before you drop it into the box. By doing so your card will stand out among all the ones thrown into the box. When the organizer shuffles the cards to pick one from the box there is very high probability of your card sticking out to win the prize. I have used this technique many times and has helped me to win prizes.

I hear you !! That's not cheating !!!!

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