Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Path To Success

Loud thought on what will make an individual or corporate successful. These are very basic and fundamental steps to follow.

1. What you are doing continue to do well
For you to survive you need to do what you signed up to do. It is imperative that you will meet expectations on your commitments. There is no short cut to success and you can't expect to be successful if you don't meet this minimum criteria.

2. Publicize what you do well
You would have heard this statement "Don't suffer in silence". The converse is true as well. If you do well better announce to the world you belong to. Don't expect others to dig deep to find out how well you are doing !! I am not suggesting you over do this.

3. Create & Innovate new things however small they are at regular intervals
This is where your value add or pro activeness or differentiators comes into play. There are many like you who will meet expectations. As an individual or corporate you need to differentiate from the crowd.

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