Monday, November 10, 2008

"You are made-up if you wear make-up"

I used to tease my daughter with the above titled so called punch-line.

"Dress makes the man". I am sure many of you would have heard this. It goes with out saying how important dressing up is for woman. I believe that dressing up is just not to make you feel good, it also reflects the respect you show people you meet. Dressing well is a habit that individuals cultivate when they grow up and will continue to do so irrespective of occasion they represent. Many have given a feedback that I do a decent job of it hence would like to share a tip.

Since the dress you wear reflects your image it is important for you to remember and wear different combinations of dresses when you meet the same people during different days of the week. It is more important if you are in a client facing situation. Most of us wear the same dress at least couple of times before we wash. I have come out with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday stickers that I stick to the dress after I wear on that day. This helps me not to repeat the same dress depending on the meetings I have for the day. If I am meeting the same customer or team that I met the previous day I change my dress accordingly !!!

Remember you make a personal statement with the way you dress. Dress is part of your body language.

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