Friday, October 23, 2009

Professional Success !!

How do you validate your success?
Go back to your old company that you worked for and ask the following questions.
1. Do they miss your services?
2. Ask them to name one thing that you created there that they still use and remember you for that
3. Ask them to name one thing that was working is broken after you left


Uma Naresh said...

Amongst many things, it is the relation with the people in the companies that I worked/ interacted with that have been my focal point.

Rahim's two liner (doha) has been my guiding principle -

Rahiman Dhaga Prem Ka Mat Todo chatkaay,
Tute se phir ye na jude, Jude to ganthi pad jaay.

Translated as -
Do not break the strings of love, for once broken it cannot join again and if joined again there will always be a knot.

Unknown said...

nice blog. please keep uploading. u could make a good mentor