Monday, December 17, 2007

Goal setting !!!

Many would be working on their New Year resolutions. Some would continue to follow these resolutions beyond the first month most would struggle to remember even the goal after a month. You have to set meaningful and achievable goals. This applies to both corporate and personal goals. If you are in the police department and the crime rate in your area is 10 incidents in the last one year you don't want to set it to 5 this year. Which means you are providing for 5 crime incidents this year. In this case the goal should always be 0 (zero) !! If I am involved in 4 accidents or traffic violations this year I don't set my goal to minimize it to 2 this year !! it has to be zero 0 again right. But if I am scoring 60% marks I can set my goal to 70 or 80%. If I am spending $2000 every month I can set my goal to lower this. I hope you get the point.

Wish you happy goal setting !

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