Monday, December 17, 2007

Buying gifts tips

This is the time of the year people go out to buy gifts. Most people hate the experience to go out and buy gifts for people not because they don't like to spend money but the uneasy feeling of what to buy lingers in them. I just thought about this subject and here are my few cents of advice.

There are 2 categories. One the business or corporate gifts and the other individual or family or friends category. Business or Corporate category is more simple as you can buy liquor or sweets in a packet etc which is very common.

When it comes to personal category the problem is the unknown. There are 2 variables.
1. What do I buy?
2. What can I afford to make it meaningful for that person

If I know the above 2 where to buy becomes much more easy to solve. To me #2 is also relatively simple as you would normally have a range for different people (friend vs a family member). Now the major unknown is the #1 that is what to buy.

If you analyze the problem you will find a solution. Take a piece of paper and write down the list of people. For each one write down what you know about them. Ask yourself the questions
What does he/she eat?
What does he/she wear?
How does he/she spend time?
What music/book/sport does he/she like?

Above will give you a list of things that you can think of. It could be books, movie tickets, tickets to games, dress, music albums etc. Most important thing about the gift is the moment of truth not the gift itself. Once the person understands the effort you took to buy the gift by knowing his traits he/she will appreciate it for sure.

The above approach looks very obvious but how many times you have done it. Before you get to this stage the uneasy feeling sets in and you are driven to the store. You think you can go to the shop and decide what to buy which doesn't work well many times.

If your answers to the above questions is blank(don't know). Why buy a gift for that person anyways !!

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