Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year Thoughts - 2008

- Did you track all the good things that you enjoyed last year? Did you thank those who made that possible? If you didn't do this make it a habit to track the good things and people who help you create the moments in your life so that you can send them a thank you note !!

- Holiday time is a good time of the year to clean up unwanted things that you accumulated during the year and organize yourself.

- This is a good time of the year to go through all your documents and see any of them require renewal. Passport, Visa, driving licence, deposits etc require attention at times.

- Have you looked at your wallet and checked what you have? It is a good idea to write down the contents and the contact numbers if it is lost. When it happens you need to know what to do !!

- Have you thought about what you would be and your family would be 5 years from now. Is there anything that you can do to influence that today?

I wish all my blog readers Happy New Year 2008 !!!

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