Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Business Idea !! BI Rating

If you use this idea to start a business send me a thank you card !!

BI (Business Intelligence) & DW (Data Warehousing) is an emerging area today. Most companies understand the need and have a strategy to implement it for their organization. But how do you measure the success or maturity of companies in this area? Like we have A,B,C classification for manufacturing companies we should have a template to rate the BI & DW maturity in organizations. This will also help SOX measures !! All we need is a template of questions to assess and rate them. Fall out of this will be an action item list to move from one level to another.

Here is my first list.
- BI strategy alignment to business needs
- Operational strategy
- BI Architecture
- Availability of Data Model
- Data Governance procedure
- Use of reports by management
- How does the report get to their users
- How many dashboards or reports available
- What is the audit mechanism to reconcile with source
- How good is your deployment practice
- Have you used coding conventions & database conventions
- How frequently is the data refreshed
- If the data goes wrong what is the back up plan
- Do you have a strategy to reload data upon failure
- Do you have data elements mapping back to source?
- When the source data changes with out your knowledge how do you change your data
- Is the code documented for you to support
- If you have long running jobs do they tell you where they are at any time
- How is the performance of your reports
- How current is your technology?
- Is your company SOX compliant?
- and more ...

Any takers !!

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