Thursday, May 22, 2008

Business Idea! Email spams

I work for a company where I receive lots of emails every day. As a director I receive around 100 emails but others in operation may receive more. Category of emails can range from mails that I am marked as "To" (means I need to act), "CC" (just informed), "!" (marked with priority), "bcc" (Informed but something fishy), "groups" (through the groups I am subscribed to - may mean I have to constantly be aware that a bomb can explode from that list anytime).

How do we manage our emails? If you are not good at planning you are in trouble however good you are in execution of tasks !

I am thinking that we should have color code marks to send and receive emails to make it more productive. How about a Black (means normal), Green ( Needs my action), Yellow (Needed my action but I didn't), Red (I am in trouble). All the above is the color code from the sender's point of view. I guess there should be a sender color code and a receiver color code.

Do you think this will improve the situation or I am over reacting to the problem?

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