Friday, August 22, 2008

Business Idea! Advertising Redefined

Advertising is a creative art and no one will dispute this. Many different things have been tried in the past and will be experimented in future as well.

Here is a mash-up idea for advertising. This is a combination of Podcasting, widget, social networking, referral marketing.

1. There are many creative minds in the world. Each one good at music or dance or art or sports or speech etc. There are professionals and amateur equally good in what they do.

2. We have seen companies that come out with standard commercials in TV or Radio or other media. Normally they continue the same commercial for a period of time.

I am suggesting the mash-up between 1 & 2 and use social networking as a means of revenue generation. Here is how it works.

Let us say that the product company comes out with a template and guidelines or a basic message one has to use to advertise their product. They create a template widget for use and put it on their website. Professionals or artists that I talked about can take this template add their core competence and create a customized commercial. This commercial they can circulate to their social networks using podcasting. If an individual purchases that product and refers to that commercial, creator will be paid a commission.

This is a win-win for everyone !!

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