Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Business Idea !! Corporate LinkedIn

Not sure if LinkedIn has thought about this idea. I think there is a strong need for large corporate to have a LinkedIn type of intranet portal setup inside the organization.

1. If you have more than 10,000 people working in an organization it would be good to publish your expertize, skills etc for the organization to search and make use of when a project has a unique need.

2. When a consultant or a full time employee rolls off from his project it helps the individual as well as the company to make use of this resource on another project that is requiring resources.

3. As individuals you want to get connected with your own company mates whom you work with or worked with in the past.

4. You certainly want to get references from the team members you worked with and post it as part of your profile.

5. You certainly want to share your blog or write about the project that you are currently working on

6. You want to know what articles or news items your peers are reading

7. If you have worked with other companies in the past you may help a sales person to get into a company that he is disparately trying to enter !!! (I like this)

Many more like this LinkedIn offers to public. LinkedIn should consider a hosted model for corporate clients or package their solution as a product and sell it to corporate.

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